Bilinguator — online library of bilingual books

Bilinguator is a global online library of bilingual books in all possible language couples. Our website contains a wide variety of languages, authors, genres, and download formats: FB2, EPUB, PDF and TXT. To start working with the service, just select the language couple you are interested in and click the “Search” button.

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Today Bilinguator is


45 books

Our library is constantly updated with new books written in a variety of languages and genres. After all, learning a language is easier when you read a good literature.


4 formats

Books in the library are presented in several formats: TXT, FB2, EPUB, as well as two types of PDF. And if you don’t feel like downloading, you can read books online!


84 languages

We try to go beyond the most popular and demanded languages, adding languages from the most diverse and distant language families.

New books in our library