Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse
Author: Александр Сергеевич Пушкин
Original title: Евгений Онегин. Роман в стихах
Original language: Russian
Date of publication: 1825
“Eugene Onegin” is a novel in verse that tells about the life of the carefree and cynical nobleman Eugene Onegin. One of the central plot lines is based on Onegin’s contradictory attitude towards the dreamy girl Tatyana Larina, who has sincere feelings for him, poured out in the famous “Tatiana’s Letter to Onegin”. The novel describes the life of society at the beginning of the 19th century, its morals, habits and ideals, and also shows the inner world of the protagonist, his disappointments and aspirations. “Eugene Onegin” is a great work of Russian literature that never ceases to delight readers with its beauty, depth and versatility.
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