“Poetry, quatrains, poems, legends and ballads”, Hovhannes Tumanyan — in 2 languages: read and download bilingual book

Hovhannes Tumanyan

Poetry, quatrains, poems, legends and ballads

Author: Հովհաննես Թումանյան

Original title: Բանաստեղծություններ, քառյակներ, պոեմներ, լեգենդներ և բալլադներ

Original language: Armenian

Date of publication: 1986

The collected works include famous writings of the great Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan. Among them: poems, poetry and ballads that reflect the national culture and history of Armenia. Tumanyan’s works are characterized by deep emotions, philosophical thoughts and penetrating style of writing which makes his work unique and important for the literary heritage of Armenia.

The book is available in 2 languages



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