“The Seasons”, Kristijonas Donelaitis — in 3 languages: read and download bilingual book

Kristijonas Donelaitis

The Seasons

Author: Kristijonas Donelaitis

Original title: Metai

Original language: Lithuanian

Date of publication: 1818

Immerse yourself into the atmosphere of Lithuania in the 18th century, when French- and German-speaking colonists from the West began to come to its land with their own customs, alien to the Prussian Lithuanians, and literally enslaved the indigenous population. The poem “The Seasons” is dedicated to Lithuania and the Lithuanians in their desire not to lose their language and identity. This is the first fiction written in the Lithuanian language, that is why it is impossible to overestimate its importance for the entire Lithuanian culture.

The book is available in 3 languages

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